Breakfast conference with Marc Rochet, CEO of Air Caraïbes and French Blue – Sep.17

We had the chance to welcome Marc Rochet who told us about his adventure at the head of Air Caraïbes and French Blue. His feedback was particularly interesting because it was not only the feedback of an entrepreneur, but also of a wise and visionary man.

The demand in terms of air transport will rapidly explode (market growth is estimated at twice the growth of GDP), especially thanks to digital and mobile commerce (m-commerce). Airlines need to adapt and develop more and more competitive solutions. Competition between airlines is tough, especially in France, where the market share of local airlines is nibbled by foreign companies.

Marc Rochet then introduced us to the low cost long haul airline concept that he adopted, before discussing the concepts of operating margins and Fund Rising. As a business leader, he urges french airlines representatives (present in the room) to fight to catch up with their competitors. According to him, the “air transport environnent” is sometimes stressful, but passion always trumps reason. As a conclusion, he said : “You have made the right choice to work in this field!”