The beginnings of the USAIRE Student Awards

In 2006, Michel Dubarry, President of the business club USAIRE at the time, wished to find a way to better link young people passionate about aerospace and defense, and the industry itself. With this goal in mind, in 2006, Michel Dubarry created the USAIRE Student Awards, a contest that invited students from all over the world to reflect on key challenges of the aerospace and defense sector.
In 20 years, the contest experienced significant success and structuration. Participants since 2006 amount now to more than 1000, and come from all continents. As of now, the USAIRE Student Awards each year gathers more than 100 participants, from more than 50 universities and 30 nationalities on average.
The USAIRE Student Awards seen by its founder: Michel Dubarry

“The idea at the origin of the USAIRE Student Awards was to invite young people to aerospace and defence industry events. At this time, at USAIRE, we realized we had to better listen to the youth and help it to understand the challenges of our industry! We benefited from the success of our predecessors in France and Europe who developed this incredible industry. These past succcesses now give us the duty to keep on transmitting knowledge and experience. I would have never expected that this competition would become such an important professional event. I would like to thank USAIRE for its support to the Student Awards, as well as ORAJe for its outstanding work. These young talents will be tomorrow’s leaders of this industry that is so important for France!”
The key moments of the 20-year long history of the USAIRE Student Awards
2006Creation of the USAIRE Student Awards
2013Creation of ORAJe to consolidate the USAIRE Student Awards' network
2023ORAJe 10-year anniversary celebration
202520th edition of the USAIRE Student Awards
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