USAIRE Student Awards 2014

Emerging countries in the civilian and military aerospace industrial landscape in 2050

The Award 2014 has been sponsored by Alain VIDALIES, French Secretary of State for Transport, the Sea and Fisheries.


Discover the laureates & prizes of the 2014 edition

All laureates received a one year subscription to Air & Cosmos magazine.

  • 1st Prize : Cyprien CANIVENC (ENS Cachan - HEC Paris)

    A round-trip flight to Brazil for with LATAM. Visit of industrial sites in São José dos Campos (Brazil) offered by Embraer. Immersion with Aviation Sans Frontières. A cheque of 700 euros offered by USAIRE.

  • 2nd Prize : Thomas FERMIN (Delft University of Technology)

    A round-trip flight offered by Singapore Airlines. Visit of Rolls Royce in Singapore One cheque of 500 euros offered by USAIRE.

  • 3rd Prize : Arthur HEBERT & Nicolas MEUNIER (Ecole Centrale Paris / Université de São Paulo)

    A round-trip flight for two persons offered by Air Méditérannée. Two cameras offered by Panasonic. Two cheques of 250 euros offered by USAIRE. Two cameras offered by Panasonic Avionics. Two cheques of 250 euros offered by USAIRE.

  • 4th Prize : Jérôme WURSTER & Fabien KOUTCHEKIAN (Ecole des Mines d'Alès)

    Two cameras offered by Panasonic Avionics. Two cheques of 250 euros offered by USAIRE.

  • Special Jury Prize : Christelle LONGO (ESTACA)

    One week immersion in Design Office of Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group at Cambridge. One camera offered by Panasonic. Two cheques of 250 euros offered by USAIRE.

Read the USAIRE Student Awards 2014 Booklet, and get to know more about the laureates and the jury

Get to know the 2015 Jury Board

  • Franklin AUBER

    Singapore Airlines

  • Louis Alain ROCHE


  • Pascal HUET


  • Henri HURLIN

    Aviation Sans Frontières


    Air & Cosmos

  • Andrew LOVELL

    Marshall Aerospace

  • Henry de FREYCINET

    Air & Cosmos

  • Jean-Marc FRON




  • Nathalie DOMBLIDES


  • Hadrien RHONAT



    Dassault Aviation

  • Jean Pierre DEVAUX


  • Romain POLY


  • Hervé de SAINT-EXUPERY

    French Air Force

  • Pascal PARANT


The prestigious sponsors of the USAIRE Student Awards 2014