ORAJe dinner with Morena Bernardini, MBDA General Secretary
May 12th, 2023
Getting inspired by a brilliant space-based life alonside Morena Bernardini, mastering both manned & unmanned rocket-propelled flights 🚀
All ORAJe community has been delighted to bring back key takeaways on prominent Aerospace & Defense topics. Some exiting ones discussed on this occasion:
⇒ Gut feeling to overcome critical decision making 🧠
⇒ Pioneering spirit to achieve being the first woman as MBDA General Secretary 🥇
⇒ Business Process Re-engineering within a disruptive mindset ⚛️
⇒ Data driven minset being key, processing ability worth it 📊
A special thank to ORAJe Board Héloïse Conte, Ophélie Tan, Elias Bouzar & Charlotte Hamon that connected the dots and the Cercle National des Armées standing as the perfect hub to host a meaningfull encounter.
Wishing a great week to all Aerospace rising stars🌟 and get ready to engage the next high flight meeting!
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